The ApexPortal & The Cross Platform, Do it All sketcher

After 35+ years of being the industry standard, our users have come to realize our software is so much more than a sketcher... it's a process... the glue... a hub that connects everything they do. Welcome to the new powerful duo, the ApexPortal and ApexSketch vX.

Key Features and Benefits

ApexSketch vX (AvX) is designed as a mobile companion for ApexSketch v7 (Av7) where you can draw your sketches on your mobile device of choice and then seamlessly import your sketches from the ApexPortal directly into Av7 while integrated with your favorite URAR Forms Program... and that's only one surface! Here are a few more!

Stay Connected or Work Offline

Save, Sync and Share your data between devices and colleagues. If you lose your internet, you can still work in Offline Mode and sync up when you're back in range. No more worrying about losing your data or how to access your sketches!

ANSI Compliant

Apex products across the board have always given the user the ability to comply with ANSI Standards. What that means is a built-in readiness for existing as well as any incoming compliance requirements that may come your way.

Unrivaled Accuracy

ApexSketch allows you to draw with any precision of choice. Whether architectural (feet & inches) or engineering (decimal feet), we have you covered and when you're ready to define your areas, we won't just do the calculations. We'll prove them.

PC, IOS, ANDROID? Take your Pick!

If your PC or Mobile Device can open a browser, it'll run the ApexPortal and AvX. Access your data from anywhere, at any time, and on any device.

Photos & Data  

The Photos & Data Collection Module allows you to capture photos of your property and/or collect data at anytime while onsite! (upgrade required)


Stairs and open to Below?         

Auto-Subtract has been a fan-favorite for decades and you'll never have to worry about stairwells or other negative areas you need to calculate.

New Users Who Sign Up for the ApexPortal
Receive ApexSketch v7 FREE!

Already Have ApexSketch v7? Sign up for the ApexPortal and receive the PhotoMetrics Module FREE!


Single User 

$15/month (billed annually)

  • Single User Access to ApexPortal
  • 1 Free Av7 License
  • Unlimited ApexPortal Access


Multi-User 3 Pack 

$20/month (billed annually)

  • Apex Portal Access for up to 3 Users
  • 3 Free Av7 Licenses
  • Unlimited ApexPortal Access


Multi-User 5 Pack

$25/month (billed annually)

  • Apex Portal Access for up to 3 Users
  • 5 Free Av7 Licenses
  • Unlimited ApexPortal Access

New ApexSketch v7 Users: After you sign up for the ApexPortal, please call us (number below) to claim your free ApexSketch v7 Licenses.
Existing ApexSketch v7 Users: After you sign up for the ApexPortal, please call us (number below) to claim your free activation of the Photometrics Module.


How does it work ?

Simple as 1 • 2 • 3 - Our products have always been quick and nimble. No reason to change that now!

If at anytime you need help, click the button below to view and/or download the Getting Started Guide.


Install the Application

Super Fast and Easy to do. AvX and the ApexPortal are a light-weight yet powerful duo!


Sign Into your Account

Whether taking a test drive or subscribing, just log in and you're ready to go.


Start Sketching!

Nothing new to learn for existing ApexSketch users!

Give Us A Call!
